Print and Paint Tank

My Dad is a big fan of the online game World of Tanks so for Christmas I decided to print, paint and assemble a model of one of his favorite tanks in the game, the E-100.

I absolutely maxed out my Ender3’s high resolution abilities with this print. I printed with a 0.1mm nozzle at a layer height of 0.05mm with all of my other setting optimized for print quality.

Once the parts were printed, It was time to start painting. I assembled the front and back of the hull to paint them together. For the hull assembly and turret, I applied a base coat of dark brown. Once that dried I added painters tape to create the camouflage pattern. Then I applied a layer or light brown and removed the painters tape to create the camouflage look. I was going for a desert camouflage.

For the tracks I simply painted them gun metal grey and then spritzed them with some dark brown to give the appearance of mud on the tracks.