Copper Pipe Blow Dart Kit

Last November my friends and I decided to have a blow dart fight where two teams of two fought head to head to eliminate the other team by popping the 3 balloons attached to each team member.

Each team had a week before the event to make their guns using whatever materials they like. Given my access to a 3D printer and SolidWorks, I decided to go all out. My teammate and I went to Home Depot and purchased a half-inch copper pipe and then I went about designing the parts for it.

The most functional piece of the gun is the mouthpiece, it actually significantly improved the force we were able to get out of the darts. The foregrips were really nice as well and definitely helped us secure victory.

The most complicated part of this project is probably the scope. This was one of the first projects I ever modeled so the designs are pretty simple. I was really happy with this one in particular because it was my first time using splines and trying to be a little more creative. The scope doubles as a dart holder which was really nice.

The suppressor was added purely for looks and intimidation. If anything it made the gun less effective by adding weight to the barrel but It looked amazing. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pictures of the guns fully assembled. They didn’t see much use after the first tournament.