How to Become a Straight A Student

By Cal Newport

Study Basics

Work Intensity

Simple Organization

Procrastination Battle Plan

Time Management

Study Tips

Quizzes and Exams

Take Smart Notes (Technical Courses)

Getting Stuck


Quiz and Recall Method

  1. Start with technical explanation questions.
  2. Move on to sample problems.
    • Mark the questions that give you trouble for review.
    • Jot down the important steps for each question as you complete them.
  3. Re-do any of the problems that gave you trouble
  4. Repeat until none give you trouble.

Testing Strategies

Essays and Papers (Less relevant)

  1. Target a Titillating Topic
  2. Conduct a Thesis Hunting Expedition
    • Start with general source and then follow references to find the more targeted sources where good thesis ideas often hide.
  3. Seek a Second Opinion
    • A thesis is not a thesis until a professor has approved it.
  4. Research Like a Machine
    • Find sources.
    • Make personal copies of all sources.
    • Annotate the material.
    • Decide if you are done. (If no, loop back to step 1)
  5. Craft a Powerful Story
    • Develop a well-balanced and easy-to-follow argument
    • Spend some time getting it right.
    • Describe your argument at a top level.
    • Type supporting quotes from sources directly into your outline.
  6. Consule Your Expert Panel
    • Before starting to write, get some opinions on the organizations of you argument.
    • The more important the paper the more people should review it.
  7. Write Without the Agony
    • Follow your outline and articulate your points clearly.
    • Write no more than three to five pages per weekday and five to eight pages per weekend day.
  8. Fix, Don’ Fixate
    • Editing only requires 3 passes:
      1. Argument Adjustment Pass: make sure the argument is clear and the flow is good.
      2. Out Loud Pass: Read out loud and fix any awkward passages or unclear explanations.
      3. Sanity Pass: A final pass over a printed version to check the over flow and root out any remaining errors.